Re: Microsoft Publisher - Why *not* to use it

by Kid Stevens <kstevens89(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 09 Aug 2002 22:07:45 -0600
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
 References:  co co2 oldforgefd
  todo: View Thread, Original
I also use DreamWeaver on rare occasions along with PageMill the 1st 
WYSIWYG.  When they are done I see a lot of code that is unnecessary. 
To be happy with what a bloated website does and doesn't do is not 
what being a web programmer is all about.

When you go off about a properly set up DreamWeaver that loses me 
since most people use WYSIWYG because they don't want to learn 
settings and code.

Over 7000 lines, so far has been dropped to 600.  There is some fine 
tuning being done and retraining the client on how to do automatic 
updates without searching for code hidden in the page.  There is a 
lot to be said about DreamWeaver but is it not intelligent.

I did not say DreamWeaver as a product was a bad product I inferred 
that the DreamWeaver user did a very lousy job of using DreamWeaver.

At 2:10 PM -0700 8/9/02, Al Sessions wrote:
>At 10:25 AM 8/9/2002 -0600, you wrote:
>>Yep looks just like the Dreamweaver generated page I am cleaning up.
>Okay, I'll bite and jump to the defense of DW.

Actually you shouldn't have bit on that one you don't have a clue 
about what I am working on.

>After playing with MX for a couple of weeks now I find myself 
>surprised at the clean markup it generates. A quick run through the 
>XHTML conversion cleanup and the output validates and even looks 
>decent. You simply can't put a properly configured Dreamweaver in 
>the same class as Microsoft Publisher.
>>Hand coding RULES.  Yes it might take more time but the results can 
>>be lean and fast, reliable.
>I'm loathe to even address this topic lest it lead to another 
>endless wysiwyg loop. However, there isn't all that much difference 
>between DW in code view and a text editor, like any other tool it's 
>how you use it that matters.

It is not endless.  That was my opinion.  This subject and others go 
on for a while and then die.  That is what discussion lists are about.

Kid Stevens

"Communication in one direction is just a lecture,  a telling of words,
a one way street, true communication is a two way street with
a speaker and a respondent at each end"
-Kid Stevens

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